Historic Photo Collection

Relive the history of Attleboro with thousands of photos from the 19th and 20th centuries.


That's the number of historical images we have in our collection.

The Attleboro Area Industrial Museum is your resource for rich historical photos, dating all the way back to the 19th century. This extensive collection allows you to step back in time to see what Attleboro really looked like. It’s also a great way to visualize important historical events, such as the Great Fire of 1898.

Browse selected photos below or visit the museum if you have a specific photo request. If you use any of the photos on our website, please make sure to credit the Attlebroro Area Industrial Museum.

L.G. Balfour Company

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

Philip Kraczkowski

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

Bay State Optical Company

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

Bates Block

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

Park Street

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

Great Fire of 1898

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

The Fire Queen

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

Sun Chronicle

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

Residents Through the Years

Selected images from our historical photo collection. Use only with credit to the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum.

Plan Your Visit

Want to See All Photos?

Museum Hours

Thursday & Friday: 10AM - 4PM
Saturday: 10AM - 2PM

Visit for Free

Donations help keep our museum running, but visiting is free.

Guided Tours

Adults: $4, Children $3.