Attleboro Area Industrial Museum
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Our Mission
200+ Years of Local Industrial History
Our Story
The Attleboro Area Industrial Museum was incorporated on July 4, 1975 as the part of City of Attleboro’s Bicentennial celebration. The idea of creating an industrial museum for the area had been in discussions for decades, first appearing in the minutes of the Chamber of Commerce of the Attleboro Area from the 1920’s. The notes mentioned a desire to create an industrial museum to highlight the accomplishments of the Attleboro area industry.
Throughout the years four additions were added and on June 26, 1968, Handy & Harman Refining Group, Inc. purchased the Attleboro Refining Company. In November 1973, Handy & Harman left 42 Union Street for a new facility located on Townsend Road in the “new” Attleboro Industrial Park. On November 29, 1976, Handy & Harman turned the 42 Union Street building over to the Chamber of Commerce of the Attleboro Area who acted as caretaker while the Attleboro Area Industrial Museum, Inc. attained non-profit status with the federal government. The building was in great disrepair when donated to the Museum so, for the first few years, the Board of Directors and Incorporators were concerned primarily with the rehabilitation of the building and grounds. The incorporators were J. Jerome Coogan, Emilio G. Gautieri Jr., George S. Gibb, Elizabeth Hartshorn Phillips, August H. Schaefer, and William H. Ward. The building was located in the jewelry manufacturing center of Attleboro when built in 1899.
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Now Seeking Archivist/Librarian
Board of Directors
George Howarth
Board President
G.H. Electric Owner (Ret)
Joan Pilkington Smyth
Board Vice President
Librarian, Retired, Attleboro Public Library
Rose Larson
Board Treasurer
Ken Tenglin
Board Secretary
Peter Buhl
Kenneth Elovitz
Kristen Marshall
Educator Ret.
Dan Larson
Larson Tool, Inc.
Nancy Young
Attleboro Jewelers Inc.
Victoria Antonucci
Executive Director
Leanne P
Museum Assistant
Corey Clark
Collections Assistant
Niko Feeney
Education Coordinator
Carleton Legg
Education Consultant