January 3rd, 2023

The objective for STEM workshops is to enhance engineering, robotics and manufacturing education at the museum.
AAIM Seeks Part-Time Educator for STEM Workshops
Contact: George Howarth, AAIM President
Email: aaimstem@gmail.com
To Administrators, Educators and Partners:
The Attleboro Area Industrial Museum (AAIM) seeks a part-time educator who can teach STEM workshops to Middle School students. Ideally the series will consist of 3-day workshops during April school vacation week, plus two or three 3-day sessions during July and August. The duration of each session, including set-up and take-down, is 8am-noon. The objective for STEM workshops is to enhance engineering, robotics and manufacturing education at the museum.
The coordinator will report to the AAIM STEM committee.
Compensation is $35/hour. Job sharing is an option.
The workshops will take place at 42 Union Street, Attleboro.
Attleboro Public School staff will conduct mini-workshops during the winter to promote the series.
Please send inquiries to:
George Howarth, AAIM President
Email: aaimstem@gmail.com
42 Union Street, Attleboro, MA 02703
The Attleboro Area Industrial Museum was conceived in 1975 as part of Attleboro’s Bicentennial celebration. The idea of creating an industrial museum for the area had been in discussions since the 1920s. The idea took root with the gifting of the building at 42 Union Street, the original site of the Attleboro Refining Company and located in the heart of the jewelry manufacturing in the city.